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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission document is in editable format, MS Word format is preferred.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • I have fully read and followed the document titled: Complete Information, Guidelines and Guidance for Authors and Reviewers .
  • I have read and signed the copyright and licensing agreement.
  • The manuscript is unpublished and original.
  • One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details: e-mail address and full postal address
  • The manuscript has been checked for spelling and grammar.
  • All bibliographic references mentioned in the Bibliography are cited in the text and vice versa. References can be submitted in any style or format, as long as it is consistent throughout the manuscript and in a single format, APA 7ma. Edition or Vancouver format is strongly recommended.
  • Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the
  • A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare.
  • The minimum contents that the manuscript must contain are: Title, título, abstract, resúmen, keywords, palabras clave, introduction, materials and methods, results, analysis and discussion, conclusions, future perspectives and bibliographical references.
  • The manuscript is written in Spanish or English and the possibility of a maximum length of 10,000 words was considered, in addition the manuscript is written in paragraphs, with a maximum of 10 lines per paragraph and a single column.
  • All figures, tables, videos or audios are placed in the appropriate places in the text, instead of at the end. All these elements are sequentially numbered and have their respective title and legend.
  • The figures, tables, videos or audios are at the highest possible resolution or quality.
  • I agree to provide the complementary files (databases, questionnaires, etc.) when submitting the manuscript, when appropriate, to verify the authenticity of the results reflected in the manuscript, and that, when appropriate, these are published. to facilitate replication of my study by other researchers.

Author Guidelines

Article Processing Charges or APCs

There are no article processing charges involved in the submission, review or publication of manuscrits in the journal.

Original Research Article

These should describe original, significant experimental observations and provide sufficient detail so that the observations can be critically evaluated and, if necessary, repeated. Original articles must meet the highest international standards in the field or professional area.

CONSORT Randomized Clinical Trial

You must strictly adhere to the Consolidated Standards of Trial Reporting (CONSORT) minimum guidelines for publication of randomized clinical trials (

Review article

Either narrative articles or systematic reviews/meta-analyses. Reviews should generally include a clearly defined search strategy and take a broad view of the field rather than simply summarizing the literature. Systematic reviews are recommended to follow the PRISMA guidelines. Systematic reviews that use meta-analyses, it is recommended that they follow the guidelines of the Cochrane manual of systematic reviews of interventions, according to the international organization Cochrane.

Clinical research

Prospective or retrospective studies of patients or patient registries, randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, case series, biopsy research excluding the use of human teeth for technique studies.

Biological Basic Research

Animal or culture biological research studies on physiology, development, stem cell differentiation, inflammation, or pathology. The main focus is in biology.

Basic Technological Research

Focus primarily on research related to the techniques and materials used, or their potential clinical use.

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Reports of an unusual clinical case or use of state-of-the-art technology in a clinical case. Case Report/Clinical Techniques articles, even when they include an extensive review of the literature, are categorized as Case Report/Clinical Techniques.


They are manuscripts in which the publishing entity conducts an in-depth interview with a relevant personality of national or international dentistry. It is based on the formulation of questions and their respective answers on a general or specific topic, it concludes with the position of the interviewee and the editorial committee on the topic analyzed during the interview. They will have a maximum length of 7,000 words, as well as a minimum of 5 bibliographic references.

Congress Summaries

This section is for conference abstracts, all submitted papers will be reviewed by the journal editor, they will not be peer reviewed. You must contact the magazine to see the submission format. These documents will present a summary of the different topics and conferences given in an institutional academic activity, also providing the pertinent conclusions of the different conferences or academic activities carried out.

Documents of Interest

This section is to send documents that are important or of interest to the university community or society. All submitted documents will be evaluated by the editor of the journal, they will not be subjected to peer review, you must contact the journal to see the presentation format, this section aims to be a scientific repository of classic or very important documents for the development of Dentistry.


This section is for the tributes made by the Dentistry Postgraduate, the Faculty or the University, and that the journal's publishing entity considers its publication, dissemination and archiving through the journal to be important. All tributes sent to this section will be evaluated by the journal's editorial committee, they will not be subject to peer review, you must contact the journal to see the presentation format.

Relevant information from the Faculty of Dentistry

This section is to publicize relevant information from a School of Dentistry. It may include scientific information, statements, awards, achievements or goals achieved. All the information sent will be evaluated by the editorial committee of the journal, it will not be subjected to peer review, you must contact the journal to see the presentation format.

Privacy Statement

The data collected from registered and non-registered users of this journal falls within the scope of the standard functioning of peer-reviewed journals. It includes information that makes communication possible for the editorial process; it is used to informs readers about the authorship and editing of content; it enables collecting aggregated data on readership behaviors, as well as tracking geopolitical and social elements of scholarly communication.

This journal’s editorial team uses this data to guide its work in publishing and improving this journal. Data that will assist in developing this publishing platform may be shared with its developer Public Knowledge Project in an anonymized and aggregated form, with appropriate exceptions such as article metrics. The data will not be sold by this journal or PKP nor will it be used for purposes other than those stated here. The authors published in this journal are responsible for the human subject data that figures in the research reported here.

Those involved in editing this journal seek to be compliant with industry standards for data privacy, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provision for “data subject rights” that include (a) breach notification; (b) right of access; (c) the right to be forgotten; (d) data portability; and (e) privacy by design. The GDPR also allows for the recognition of “the public interest in the availability of the data,” which has a particular saliency for those involved in maintaining, with the greatest integrity possible, the public record of scholarly publishing.